NM Vegetation Treatment Mapping

The NM Vegetation Treatment geodatabase was created by the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute (NMFWRI) for the state’s Forest and Watershed Health Coordinating Group. With your help we can make this geographic database as correct and complete as possible.  Funding for this work originated with core support to FWRI by the State of New Mexico. Additional funding has come from the Southwest Regional Office and the Washington Office Enterprise Program-Integrated Resource Enterprise Unit of the USDA-Forest Service in addition to FEMA and the NM Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, with the support of the NM Forestry Division

The geodatabase currently contains polygon feature classes for completed projects (2012-present), historical projects (pre-2012), ongoing (in progress) projects and planned projects. It also contains point feature classes which contain centroids for the corresponding polygon feature classes. Please send corrections, comments, and additional data for inclusion to Katie Withnall at kwithnall@nmhu.edu.  

No warranty is made by New Mexico Highlands University (NMHU) and NMFWRI as to the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of these data for individual use or aggregate use with other data, or for purposes not intended by NMHU and NMFWRI. Conclusions drawn from this information are the responsibility of the user. NMHU and NMFWRI assume no responsibility in the event that any information is incorrect. NMHU and NMFWRI assume no liability for damages incurred directly or indirectly as a result of incomplete, incorrect or omitted information. This information may be updated without notification.

To learn more about the NM Vegetation Treatment geodatabase view a recorded webinar which explains the project, the database and how to use the online Web App. Our users’ guide provides more information on the tools available in the web application.

Read a history of the webapp’s development in the published paper “A database of vegetation treatments in New Mexico, USA and surrounding areas“.

Click here to view and use the interactive webapp:

For questions, comments, feedback, website support or to contribute to this database email Katie Withnall at kwithnall@nmhu.edu