NMFWRI – GRGWA Riparian Common Stand Exam Based Plot Sample Protocols
Based on the 2011 Guidelines and Protocols for Monitoring Riparian Forest Restoration Projects (Bonfantine, et al.) and the Common Stand Exam-based protocols used by NMFWRI for CFRP projects For questions or comments, contact: Kathryn R Mahan, Ecological Monitoring Specialist, NMFWRI

Guidelines and Protocols for Monitoring Riparian Forest Restoration Projects
Guidelines and Protocols for Monitoring Riparian Forest Restoration Projects

Literature Review of Four Invasive Phreatophytes and One Invasive Grass within the Bosque Forest of the Middle Rio Grande
Literature Review of Four Invasive Phreatophytes and One Invasive Grass within the Bosque Forest of the Middle Rio Grande

Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program (BEMP) Site Monitoring Report for 2017
Bosque Ecosystem Monitoring Program (BEMP) Site Monitoring Report for 2017 2017 Annual Tamarisk Leaf Beetle Monitoring Technical Report for the Greater Rio Grande Watershed Alliance

Using LIDAR for Greater Rio Grande Watershed Alliance Pre-Treatment Vegetation Monitoring
Using LIDAR for Greater Rio Grande Watershed Alliance Pre-Treatment Vegetation Monitoring