Sacramento Mountains Desired Conditions Tour Booklet

2007 New Mexico Monitoring Meeting
New Mexico Monitoring Meeting, August 20-21, 2007 at the Sevilleta Field Station, USFWS conference room

Mixed conifer/aspen ecology and management, Santa Fe 2008
Mixed conifer/aspen ecology and management, Santa Fe 2008

Forest Restoration and Water Savings: Myth or Reality?
Forest Restoration and Water Savings: Myth or Reality?

07 Desired Conditions for Use In Forest Plan Revision In the Southwestern Region
This document provides background, context, and linkages among forest plans, desired ecosystem conditions (i.e., desired conditions), and restoration objectives. It describes concepts upon which desired conditions are based, summarizes the history and process that prompted the development of desired conditions to guide forest plan revisions, and supplies language specific to Southwestern forest types that is suitable for describing desired conditions during subsequent forest plan revisions.

04 Desired Conditions Dialogue – Dry Mixed Conifer Workshop
Desired Conditions Dialogue – Dry Mixed Conifer Workshop -Presentation Given at Desired Conditions Tour

05 Linking Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Guidance and Desired Conditions for Mixed Conifer Forest
Linking Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Guidance and Desired Conditions for Mixed Conifer Forest – Presentation give at the Sacramento Mountains Desired Conditions Workshop.

03 Restoration of Southwestern Frequent Fire Forests: Mixed Conifer Considerations
Restoration of Southwestern Frequent Fire Forests: Mixed Conifer Considerations

06 Mixed Conifer Forest Classification
Mixed Conifer Forest Classification, Presentation given at the Sacramento Mountains Desired Conditions Workshop

02 Forest Restoration in New Mexico
In a Dense Wood: Forest Restoration in New Mexico. Presentation given at the Sacramento Desired Conditions Workshop.

01 Restoration of Southwestern Frequent Fire Forests: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?
Restoration of Southwestern Frequent Fire Forests: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going? Presentation given at Sacramento Mountains Desired Conditions Tour.