Sacramento Mountains Desired Conditions Workshops 25-26 and 27-28 October 2016
The public is invited to participate in a workshop on forest restoration in the Sacramento Mountains. The forest restoration guidelines called Desired Conditions came out of the Forest Service. These guidelines seek to restore ecological function to Southwestern forests, as well as reduce the risk of catastrophic fires. These workshops will explain and discuss Desired Conditions. Two workshops will be held, both covering the same material and visiting the same sites. The first will emphasize the landscape-level benefits of leaving groups and openings in forest restoration, and the second will emphasize stand-level actions for workers in the woods. The practices and protocols discussed during these work- shops will serve as good background information for the Lincoln National Forest’s current Forest Plan Revision, but they can be applied to any land ownership. The workshop is open to all, including private landowners, especially those who manage ponderosa pine and mixed conifer. Each workshop will start with a half-day of indoor presentation of background information, then move outdoors. The afternoon of the first day will be around Ruidoso. The entire second day will be east and south of Cloudcroft. Transportation will be provided for the field tours.
Booklet with Presentations and Tour Information
Presentations Given at the Workshop

01 Restoration of Southwestern Frequent Fire Forests: How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going?

02 Forest Restoration in New Mexico

03 Restoration of Southwestern Frequent Fire Forests: Mixed Conifer Considerations

04 Desired Conditions Dialogue – Dry Mixed Conifer Workshop

05 Linking Mexican Spotted Owl Recovery Guidance and Desired Conditions for Mixed Conifer Forest

06 Mixed Conifer Forest Classification