
Contour Log Felling

Contour Log Felling: A Querencia in Action Landowner Guide After severe fires, few trees or plants are left to hold soil in place, leading to

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Chipping vs. mulching

What’s the difference between chipping and mulching? Collaboration technician Alejandro Collins did a deep dive into the ins and outs of both and some research

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Bark Beetles

Bark beetles can be highly active during times of drought and after wildfires, going after weakened trees. This guide shows you how to recognize the

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Field Season Training

Ecological Monitoring crews prep for summer season Ecological monitoring staff took part in a Wilderness First Aid class on the campus of New Mexico Highlands

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Monitoring Protocols

Ecological monitoring data provides the scientific basis for restoration treatments, such as thinning and prescribed burns, and is critical for adaptive management. Professionally collected and

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